Day Care

Learn more about Day Care

Frequently asked questions

The Day Care program is designed for children aged 1-2.

Providing a safe and nurturing environment that promotes social, emotional, and physical development.

Experienced teachers engage children in play-based activities, fostering curiosity and exploration.

Social, emotional, and physical development.

Fee Structure

For HUIC Employees

Full Day

10% of their gross salaries (Max: 10,000/month)

Half Day

7% of their gross salaries

Daily Basis

1,000 per day

Fee Structure

For Outsiders

Full Day

10,000 per month

Half Day

7,000 per month

Daily Basis

2,000 per day

Discover Our Day Care Program

Learn how our Day Care program provides a safe and nurturing environment for children aged 1-2, promoting their social, emotional, and physical development through play-based activities.